Logo on the hall plan

Your logo on the hall plan – the best guide possible to your stand!

The hall plans are indispensable for on-site orientation. By booking the logo on the hall plan, your company can be found at a glance!

Your logo appears:

  • In the printed official planner
  • On the online hall plans of the online catalog at
  • On the hall plans of the ISPO Munich app
  • On large digital hall plans on display at the exhibition site
Logo on the hall plan € 255



Exhibitor directory & Exhibitor profile

Be found!

Whether it comes to the online catalog, the ISPO Munich app or the printed official planner: Your company’s presence in the ISPO Munich media is the key to your success. We provide you with a whole host of different ways to put your company in the focus of visitors.

For instant recognition place your logo next to your entry in the exhibitor directory or list your company under another name (e.g. brand name).

Logo in the exhibitor directory € 255
Entry under additional name € 295
Additional basic entry € 758



Brand directory

Draw attention to your brands!

Here you can specify the brands belonging to your portfolio. The more brands you indicate, the better are your chances of being found. Visitors can find the brand index in the ISPO Munich online catalog and in the ISPO Munich app.

Our recommendation:
For instant recognition, place the matching logo next to your brand entry.

Brand listing without a logo included in the basic entry
Logo next to the brand listing € 255 each



Product directory

Let your offer speak for itself!

Many visitors consult this directory in search for a company’s products, but also for new contacts. Specifying the products belonging to your portfolio is included in the basic entry. A logo added to your entry draws attention and guarantees instant recognition.

Visitors can find the product directory in the ISPO Munich online catalog and in the ISPO Munich app.

The ISPO product directory with all main and subcategories is available for download here.

10 product entries without a logo included in the basic entry
Logo in the product directory only available in packages
Unlimited number of product entries without a logo € 190



Basic entry

The mandatory communication fee for EUR 758 includes the basic entry in the ISPO Munich online catalog, in the ISPO Munich app and the official planner according to clause B3 special terms of participation and is billed by Messe München GmbH with the admission invoice.

The following services are included in this basic entry:

  • In the alphabetical list of exhibitors (online catalog & app):
    Company name, street, postal code, city, country, hall/booth, phone, e-mail and internet address
  • In the brand directory (online catalog & app):
    Unlimited number of brand listings without a logo
  • In the product directory (online catalog & app):
    10 product entries without a logo
  • In the printed official planner:
    Company name and hall/booth
  • Social media links
  • Teaser text (80 characters incl. spaces) in the alphabetical list of exhibitors in the online catalog
  • Digital contact form

The ISPO Munich product directory with all main and subcategories is available for download here.

Exhibitors can book additional entries in the respective advertising media for extra charges. Exhibitors with a registration date after October 10, 2024 will only be published in the digital media of ISPO Munich.



Your contact

ISPO Munich Media Services
Official planner, online catalog and ISPO Munich app
Tel.:+49 89 666166-31


Sample screenshots (final versions may differ)

Price information

All prices in Euro are excl. VAT.

Marketing Services

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