Banner advertising

Advertising that sticks!

The ISPO Munich app offers instant access to essential event information anytime, anywhere. The online catalog is the most-used tool by visitors to prepare for the trade fair, featuring exhibitor, product, and brand listings, hall plans, and product presentations. Secure a prominent advertising spot and welcome all users of the digital trade fair media.

Cross-Media Strategy? Your banners will not only appear in the ISPO Munich app but also in the online catalog! Spark interest with a striking banner placement.

Become the center of attention with the exclusive welcome interstitial: A splash screen in your company’s look & feel appears for a few seconds when the app and the online catalog launch, taking up the entire screen.

The leaderboard is a visual highlight in the app's main menu and at the top of the exhibitor and brand directory in the online catalog, making it ideal for maximum exposure.

The directory banner boosts your visibility in the exhibitor and brand directory. It places your message directly in users' line of sight, ensuring immediate visibility and maximum reach.

With a medium rectangle on the homepage of the online catalog, you reach your target audience as soon as they land on the first page.

The quick link logo banner makes your company easy to find – your logo appears in the footer of all pages in the online catalog as well as on the app’s home screen, linking directly to your exhibitor profile.

Take advantage of the high reach of digital trade fair media and put your brand in the spotlight for industry professionals!

  Size Price
Exclusive welcome interstitial* 640 x 960 px** € 4,450
Leaderboard 1,920 x 200 px** € 1,950
Directory banner 1,160 x 145 px** € 1,250
Medium rectangle (Home page online catalog) 360 x 360 px** € 1,250
Quick link logo banner 160 x 60 px** € 295
* Only available once.
** For perfect results on different screen formats, we need your banner in different format sizes.



Exclusive sponsorship of product categories

Address your target group! Exclusively sponsor often-used product categories in the online catalog and in the ISPO Munich app! Your sponsoring appears exclusively with a logo and a splash screen in the main category you sponsor and a vertical banner and a directory banner in the corresponding sub-categories. It links to a website of your choice.

The ISPO Munich product directorywith all main and subcategories is available for download here.

These product categories are up for exclusive sponsorship:

  • Winter Sports
  • Ball & Team Sports
  • Racket Sports
  • Indoor Sports
  • Outdoor Sports
  • Inline Sports
  • Bike Sports
  • Water Sports
  • Board Sports
  • Fitness Sports & Wellness
  • Track & Field Sports
  • Funsports & Games
  • Sports Fashion & Accessoires
  • Fabrics & Materials
  • Shop, Field & Hall Equipment
  • Media, Associations & Services
Exclusive sponsoring of product categories* € 995 each
* Bookable only once per product category.



Premium hall sponsorship

To highlight your location and to guide visitors directly to your booth, you can sponsor your hall exclusively. With the premium hall sponsorship you combine a prominent ad placement next to your hall in the printed Official Planner with the exclusive banner below the online and app hall plan and the banner in the booth specific list of exhibitors. Your banner will also be published on the large sized digital hall plans on the exhibition site.

The premium hall sponsorship draws the attention of participants to your brand who are interested in exhibitors within your reach.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • High circulation of the official planner
  • High reach of the online catalog: 1.6 million page impressions a year
  • Ensure your ad is always at visitors' fingertips with the ISPO Munich app.
  • Presence on the fair ground with the ad on the digital hall plans
  • Intensive use of the media before, during and after the trade show 
  Format Price
Premium hall sponsorship* online:
1,160 x 145 px**
115 mm x 222 mm
€ 2,950
* Available only once per hall.
** We require your banner in different sizes because the online catalog and the ISPO Munich app are in responsive design.



WLAN Sponsoring

WiFi sponsorship

Welcome the ISPO Munich visitors right at the begining of their trade fair attendance – when they log in to the free WiFi at the fair grounds.

Everyone who wants to use the WiFi service has to register on the portal page. By placing a banner on this page you will reach all trade fair visitors using this service.

WiFi sponsorship* € 1,950
* Bookable only once.



App, Push Notifications

Push notification

Your direct line to all users of the ISPO Munich app.

Want to draw attention to your booth or invite the visitors to a workshop or an event? Notify all trade show visitors, whether on-site or not, and get yourself noticed. Your push notifications will be sent to all users of the ISPO Munich app.

Push notification* € 395 each
* Push notifications are limited. The receipt of push notifications is subject to the individual user’s consent.



Your contact

ISPO Munich Media Services
Official planner, online catalog and ISPO Munich app
Tel.:+49 89 666166-31


Sample screenshots (final versions may differ)

Price information

All prices in Euro are excl. VAT.

Marketing Services

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